Submit Information to Council

Present as a Delegation at a Council Meeting

"Delegation" is the term used to define the process whereby an individual or group appears before Council to make a presentation, enter a request for action, request a proclamation,register a complaint, bring Council up to date on a project/idea/concept, or to provide further information on an issue currently before the Council for a decision.

Persons wishing to address Council as a delegation should contact the Village office well in advance of the preferred meeting date. The earlier the request is submitted, the better the chance to obtain the preferred meeting date. Regular Council meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. and delegations are scheduled at the beginning of the meeting.

If you would like to present to Council, please fill out the Delegation Request Form. All written presentation material must be in by Tuesday before 4:30 p.m., the week prior to the Council Meeting. Upon receipt of a request, the Village Office will follow-up with a telephone call advising the delegate of the time and date the delegation is scheduled for. Delegates need to provide the following information in their request:

  • Name(s) of Speakers
  • Topic(s) to be discussed
  • Identification of any audio-visual equipment needed for the presentation.

All delegations are limited to a 15 minute presentation, with a 5 minute question period, unless previously approved. Upon completion of the presentation, Council may ask questions if they feel clarification or additional information is needed.

Please note that the Mayor should be addressed as "Your Worship" or "Mayor" and Councillors should be addressed as "Councillor".

Please direct any inquiries regarding appearing as a Delegation at a Council meeting to the Village office.

Submit a Letter to Council

Citizens may wish to correspond with Council. Letters should be addressed to Mayor and Council at the address below:

Box 190, Pouce Coupe, BC, V0C 2C0

There may be occasions when your letter doesn't appear on an agenda when you think it should. Your letter may contain information which is not suitable for a public agenda and will be dealt with on a confidential basis. If you have questions about a letter you have sent to Mayor and Council, please call the Village office.

Questions or Comments?

Please contact the Village Office at 250-786-5794 or email for all questions and comments.