Events & Recreation

Pouce Coupe Canada Day Celebration

The Village of Pouce Coupe welcomes the public to multiple events that celebrate community spirit. These events also encourage community engagement and provide an opportunity for residents to interact with Mayor and Council, and Village administration.

Major events held annually by the Village include the Canada Day celebrations on July 1st, and the Christmas Light-Up Contest and Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration during the holiday season.

In addition to the major events, recreational groups can take advantage of the Village's various facilities with regular usage. Visit the Community Resources section of the website to see what facilities are available and what groups are involved. For more information, phone the Village Office at 250-786-5794.


Anybody interested in helping out at Village of Pouce Coupe events is encouraged to sign up as a volunteer. For more info, please see the Volunteer Sign-Up Form.

Art Sessions

The Dawson Creek Art Gallery has offered free art sessions at the Pouce Coupe Community Centre. The last workshop was October 24, 2019 and was a pumpkin carving workshop/contest.

Each session is a free open studio. The DCAG provides the supplies to make the artwork and anything visitors would like to try. They welcome families to come out, enjoy themselves and the company of others.

For more information on the art sessions, please contact the DCAG at 250-782-2601.