Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department impact our community?
The description is right in the name. Not only do these hardworking men and women volunteer to save homes and lives through fighting fires, they are also our first responders within the Village. All of our volunteer members are additionally trained in Assistance Response, Flood Control and Response, Technical Rescue (such as confined space, rope, vehicle rescue, collapse, etc.) and Medical First Responders First Aid. A few of our volunteers are even licensed and working Paramedics with the BC Ambulance working in Dawson Creek and volunteering their time to the Village through our Fire Department.
What level of service does the Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department operate at?
Tier 3 service, or also known as full service, which includes:
- Extinguishing fires in their area
- Protecting life and property in the event of fires in their area
- Assisting and protecting people in the event of a road traffic collision
- Rescuing and protecting people in the event of other emergencies.
Is the Firehall up to provincial standards?
Just like with any other Emergency Service, our Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department is held to the highest of provincial standards, and with that comes changes. One major change our Firehall is currently looking at is how and where to install decontamination showers. Many of the safety standards have changed for Volunteer Firefighters and now provincially, it doesn't matter if you are paid or volunteer, your equipment and hall must meet all the same safety requirements.
Is it true that having a Fire Department within the Village impacts my home insurance?
Yes! Actually, most home insurance companies base their rate off of how close your home is to the nearest Fire Department and how far you are from the closest fire hydrants. The further away you are the more you pay. In some cases, if residents had to rely on Dawson Creek as their closest responding Firehall, they could see home insurance increases of double, if not triple what they pay now without our Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department service.
Does the Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department service the Regional District?
Yes, the Peace River Fire Protection Service Agreement was signed by all parties in 2018. This agreement allows our Pouce Coupe Fire Department to provide rural fire protection and services to the Rural Fire Protection Area, and in turn, the PRRD contributes 34.35% to the Pouce Coupe Fire Department’s budget for operations. In 2021, the PRRD purchased a new Fire Truck for the Village at a cost of $535,000.00. This is in addition to the 34.35%.
How much of my tax dollars go to funding the Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department?
Funding for the Pouce Coupe Fire Department comes from various grants and a service contract for fire protection for Area D located in the Peace River Regional District. After taking into consideration the grants and the cost to provide fire protection, the net cost to the Village of Pouce Coupe is approximately $24,315 from a departmental budget of $270,163. In 2022, there were one time costs in the Capital & Special Projects that included:
Safety coating Firehall floor ($70,000), Second floor Escape ($20,000), 3 Phase Power ($50,000), Radios ($132,430), Professional Sound/Video System ($25,000) for a total of $297,430.
Are our volunteers paid?
All of our volunteers receive a yearly $250 honorarium from the village, but what makes our volunteers so special is that all of them take that money and put it back into the fire hall by either donating it to the Pouce Coupe Volunteer Firefighters Association to assist in the cost of their training, or they use it toward purchasing new equipment that is needed for the hall. The Fire Administration wage is $101,410.