Snow Removal & Road Maintenance
The Public Works Department is responsible for keeping the roads clear of ice and snow and maintaining a safe and passable condition. Overtime snow removal will not occur until accumulated snow exceeds 6 inches on the roads. If snowfall occurs over the weekend, and is under 6 inches, clearing of the streets will be the priority of Public Works on the next business day as time and resources permit.
Regular snow removal will take place during regular business hours as time and resources permit.
Predicting the amount of snowfall over the winter is a difficult thing to do and there may situations when the immediate demand for snow and ice control measures will exceed the available resources of the Village. In order to maximize the use of the available resources, operations will be conducted according to the following priorities:
(a) Pouce Coupe Volunteer Fire Department Fire Hall driveway;
(b) 49th Avenue between 50th street and 51st street;
(c) sidewalks;
(d) 57th avenue between and Highway 2;
(e) collector roads;
(f) local roads; and
(g) laneways.
During periods of heavy snowfall or other extreme weather conditions, you can be sure that we are exerting our maximum effort to return road conditions to a safe travelling condition. Please have patience as our Public Works Department works to get to your area as quickly as possible.
For more information, please see our Snow Removal Policy.
The highway is the responsibility of The Ministry of Transportation and is maintained by Argo Road Maintenance. For inquiries or complaints regarding highway road maintenance, please see their website or phone 1-800-663-7263.
Here's How You Can Help!
Clearing snow from roadways is the responsibility of the Village Public Works Department, Ministry of Transportation and the community; help keep the community safe this winter! Here’s how you can help:
- Park your vehicles in your driveway as opposed to the street.
- Stay back a safe distance from the rear of a plow truck and grader so the driver can see you.
- Please avoid passing or driving beside the plow truck and grader.
- When clearing snow, pile it on your property - it should not be shovelled onto the sidewalk or into the ditch.
- Place your garbage and recycling containers on a cleared area - do not perch them on the top of snow piles.
- Make sure you return your garbage and recycling containers to your yard to allow snow removal equipment to pass by.
- If you can, help your neighbour with snow removal.