Forms & Applications
For all forms attached to specific bylaws, please refer to bylaw sections or the bylaw directory.
Below you will find applications for various permits/licenses provided by the Village. They are all available at the Village Office; simply come in, fill or drop off the form, pay any fees, and the Village staff will process the application as quickly as possible.
- DOG LICENSE form fillable
- CAT LICENSE form fillable
- Hen Keeping Permit Form Fillable
- Application - Business Licence FORM FILLABLE
- Culvert Installation Application form fillable
- Burning Permit FORM FILLABLE 2020
- Demolition Permit Application
- Service Connection Permit Application
- Water Meter Application
- Building Permit Application Form Fillable
- Culvert Installation Application
- Plumbing Permit Application
- Business License Application
- Delegation Request Form