Water Conservation
What are the Benefits of Water Conservation?
- Less vulnerability for drought
- Protects drinking water resources
- Helps reduce or eliminate the need for expensive infrastructure
- Helps minimize the impact on the environment
- Saves money on energy/utility bills
- Reduces pollution and health risks
Water Conservation Measures
The Village of Pouce Coupe recognizes that clean, drinkable water is a valuable resource. Daily water use can double during the summer months and much of this increase is caused by needless water waste. Conserving water is easy and makes good sense from an economic, social, and environmental standpoint.
The Village of Pouce Coupe's Water Conservation Bylaw will help conserve water by allowing residents to water on days that correspond with their address. Stage One Water Conservation Measures automatically comes into effect May 1 - September 30. Stage 2-4 are implemented as required.
Under Stage 1 Water Conservation Measures a person must not water lawns, except:
* even-numbered civic addresses, on Wednesdays and Saturdays between 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
* odd-numbered civic addresses, on Thursdays and Sundays between 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
For more information, please view our water restrictions.
Be Waterwise
Conserving water is easy and making small adjustments can make a big difference when it comes to conserving water indoors and outdoors.
Be Waterwise Indoors
- Take a 5 minute shower/cut down shower time by 5 minutes instead of having a bath
- Reduce the amount of water used in the bath by 5cm.
- If you like drinking cold water, try storing water in a container in the refrigerator instead of running the tap 'till it cools.
- When replacing appliances, choose low-flow, high efficiency options.
- Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, washing your face or shaving.
- Listen and look for leaks in your plumbing.
- Run full loads when operating washing machines and dishwashers.
Be Waterwise Outdoors/In The Garden
- When watering the lawn/garden meet required restrictions.
- Let your lawn turn dormant (golden). It'll "green up" again during the fall.
- Clean driveways or decks with a broom instead of using a hose.
- Wash cars for safety only, (windscreens, windows and headlights) using a bucket.
- Purchase a rain barrel to collect rainwater which can then be applied to your lawn/garden.
- Water your lawn/garden deeply and infrequently to form deep roots into the soil.
- Plant trees to shelter and shade your home and garden from hot sun.
- Leave grass clippings on your lawn to trap moisture and reduce evaporation.
- Plant hardy plants that are drought tolerant and suited for Pouce Coupe’s colder climate.
- Apply compost to your gardens as this helps the soil retain moisture.
- When you mow your lawn, keep your grass at 3 inches (7.5cm) long as this helps shade the roots from the sun.
For more Conservation Ideas, Tips, and Information, visit these sites: